Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Where is That Place Everyone is Talking About?

Have you ever had this experience? You ask a friend how they are doing and nine
times out of ten you will hear: “I am so tired!” Being the ever solicitous type you will
ask, “Why is that?” Then you get the canned, or clichéd response, “I am so busy!”
Gosh! Then you think to yourself. “Well, I am busy too. In fact, everyone is busy.
Why are these people complaining?” In short, they are complaining because they have
not accessed their personal peace. Many individuals state that their life goals are
“peace and happiness.” These are not goals; these are realities that exist inside every
human being. The drug addict or the alcoholic uses substances to realize short-term
artificial pleasure, causing untold harm to his limited time in this dimension: as
Kozma Prutkov, the pen name used by A. K. Tolstoy, (1) tells us.”If you want to be
happy, be (in the present).” The past is gone, the future is imminent, we only have
now. To get in this state, however, requires that ill-thought-of word: work. You must
spend daily time in reflection, study or prayer: hopefully all three.

Like most of us, I feel pretty good: physically, mentally and spiritually. Life has not
rewarded me with the capitalistic promise of the riotous American Dream, unbridled

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