Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

A closing thought: I remind myself that I have power within me. If I want to lead a
successful life (and I define what success means to me), I mostly can. At the very
least, I must try. I think our human experience shows that both the financially
impoverished and the wealthy can be unhappy: conversely, they can be happy. Lucre
is not the answer to happiness, but it is most certainly necessary. The universe is just:
you are usually rewarded for your efforts. What all of this indicates is that we have
free will: we can overcome any adversity – no matter how horrible.

To sum up: This week, we spoke about finding your precious peace through your
personal commitment to you and your development. It is all within your grasp.

An amusing occurrence: Bureaucracy is an interesting phenomenon: I remember
crossing a stern and frightening border several years ago, concertina barbed wire,
dogs and the like. I had my visa application pre-approved, so there was no problem.
However, as I had not visited the country before, I had not filled in the space labeled:
Name and Address of Hotel. The border guard, sporting truly fabulous epaulettes,
fixated on this point. “Where are you going to stay?” he asked in heavily accented
English. “I have no idea,” I responded, in a rather dismissive tone – it was after all 3
o’clock in the morning. “What did you say?” his voice taking on that dangerously
arrogant lilt. I realized immediately that this was a major sticking/ refusal point. “I’m
sorry: I said the Hotel Crimea.” “How do you spell that?” was his riposte. “Welcome
to our country.”

I Feel Overwhelmed And I Don’t Know what To Do

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