Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

you’re so cool because you know what masturbating is and you cyber and
stuff. But I bet you don’t know what 69 means.”

Bryce said, “That’s not even a thing. And what’s JM?”

“Is too a thing! Corey told me all about it. And you don’t know.”

“So what. 69 is probably for losers. Doesn’t your cousin have anything better
to do than talk to you about stupid numbers?” Bryce turned over in his
sleeping bag. “This movie is boring. I’m going to sleep.”

“You wouldn’t say that if you were the one who knew about 69,” Henry said.
“You would think it was cool.”

“Yeah,” Justin said. “Hank’s right. You’re always...”

The floor creaked loudly above their heads, followed by heavy footsteps.

“Shh,” Henry said. He spun back toward the television, but his momentum
carried his face up against the glass, shocking his nose with static. He pulled
his head back and realized he was staring at breasts. His eyes went unfocused
at the nearness of the image, and he sat there dazed for a moment before
trying to jab the power button on the television. His finger mashed the
volume button instead, and the pop and fizzle of the paused video rose from
the speakers as Henry’s father came down the stairs and Henry turned to face
him. He was vaguely aware of Bryce pretending to be asleep in his sleeping
bag and Justin looking back and forth from Henry to his father. Henry’s
father scanned the darkened room by the glow of the television and turned to
Henry. “What’s going on down here? You know you’re not allowed to watch
this, Henry.”

“We were just...” Henry said.

“I told the three of you to behave and be quiet, and I meant it. Now turn that
off and go to sleep, and we’ll talk about this in the morning.”

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