Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

his lap. For safety reasons, the latter was asked to desist, at first in a firm
though friendly manner, then (on the second occasion) in a much stricter tone,
and finally, 5 minutes ago, with a yell and a threat.

Number of more than averagely pretty women with hair so long and blonde
and bright it looks as if she’s in some old religious painting where the women
are angels or saints: 1.

Number of people talking on cell phones: 5.

Number of people using a device to listen to music: 7. The rest stare out at the
sky which is full of clouds. I do not think there is much rain in them. A
shower that will cleanse, but not drench. Dust will be washed from the
chrome and the windows. The sun will reflect in so brilliant a fashion that
even the most jaded observer will look on the shining road and feel that
though there are no guarantees (and rarely grounds for optimism), there are,
and always must be, chances for things to happen which transform a life.

Number of miles till we reach Modesto: 30.

Number of places in Modesto services where two people might enjoy a cup of
coffee: 2. The chicken place has the best coffee, so long as Hector is working.
Otherwise, it’s the burger joint whose coffee is tepid or scalding. But the
coffee doesn’t have to be great, so long as it’s not terrible. Then it could be an
unpleasant distraction from their conversation. If, for instance, the man is
saying something important to the woman— a sentiment that began as a
rough rock, which now, after weeks of being handled, is a smooth feeling he
wishes to pass on —he will not want it distorted by a cup of coffee that tastes
so awful it coats his words with oily, bitter drops. Then there might be a
misunderstanding. She could get the wrong idea. She—

Number of times the red sedan in front has signalled, started to pull out, then
cowardly hung back: 3.

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