Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

In Venice, scientists meet to discuss how Mars was the “in” place to kick-start
life billions of years ago. Atoms came together, went red, partied hard, woke
in the morning all hung over, unknown molecules, all blonde and blowsy
drowsy, next to them in bed, Lolitas growing slowly into RNA, DNA,

Atom got up, brewed coffee, made Lolita a breakfast of fried eggs and toast,
looked out the kitchen window at the red dust, was pleased he’d moved out
here, watched Lolita open the outhouse door, sighed with happiness.

(Somewhere in the middle of all this, the astronomers find time to give my
father, a noted astronomer, a lifetime award.)

The scientists leave their meeting, walk out into St. Mark’s Square, which is
flooded. They wade toward the Church of Santa Maria della Salute, its
architecture encoded with passages from the Kabbalah; a geologist has told
them Doctor Atomic is having its Italian premiere.

About The Author
Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois
Mitchell Krockmalnik Grabois has had over seven hundred of his poems and fictions
appear in literary magazines in the U.S. and abroad. He has been nominated for the
Pushcart Prize for work published in 2012, 2013, and 2014. His novel, Two-Headed
Dog,based on his work as a clinical psychologist in a state hospital, is available for
Kindle and Nook, or as a print edition. He lives in Denver.

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