Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

like. Lethe or supersmack or kitty. Some prefer it old-style, pills ‘n needles,
but me, the works work best straight in through that slippery warm pink
muscle. Porous your mouth is. So’s it’s straight into the blood and saliva
absorbs the rest into your glands. I could tell you all things about that wet hole
mouth that makes it perfect for drugs like. But, tell you true, it’s all cheap shit.
Black-market. Ill legit. Not like sweet Kendra’s high. Oh no, girl had gone the
straight ‘n arrow. All the way, baby. All the way.

“C’mon Ten, back off, man.” Rob was getting real nervous like. Bartender
too, twitchin’ to call his defuser. But Kendra-sweet had enough now, spun on
Ten, finally, stuck out her tongue at him like a laaitie. And Jazz sighed. “There.
Happy now?” But Ten wasn’t. For yeah, sure as sugar, Special-K’s tongue was
a virgin. Never been pierced by a stud let alone an applijack. Never had that
sweet rush as the micro-needles release slick-quick into the fleshy pink. Never
had her tongue go numb with the dark oiliness of it so’s you can’t speak for
minutes. Doesn’t matter though. Talkin’d be least of your worries. Supposin’
you had any. But then Ten knew that all along. Cos you can’t play the way the
girlfriend did on the rof. Tongue’s not the only thing that goes numb. And
boyfriend knows it. And everything’s click-clicking into place.

“Oh you fucking crazy little shit. What have you done?” Ten was grabbing at
her now, tough-like, her swatting at him, pulling away as he tried to get a hold
of her sleeve. Jazz was yelling again. “Ease off, Tendeka!” Shouldn’t have
wasted her air time. Special-K could look after herself all well now. After those
first frantic swats, something levelled. Only to be expected when she’s so fresh.
Still adjustin’ like. But you could see it kick in. Sleek it was. So’s instant she’s
flailing about and the next she lunges, catches him under his chin with the
heel of her palm. Boy’s head snaps back and at the same time she shoves him
hard so’s he falls backwards, knocks over a table on his way. Glass smashing
and the bartender’s pissed now. Everyone still, except Rob who laughed once,

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