Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Girl was flying now. Ordered a third Sprite. Brain reacting like she was on
some fine-ass bliss, drowning her in endorphins an seratonin, Sprite binding
with aminos and the tiny bio-machines hummin’ at work in her veins.
Voluntary addiction with benefits. Make her faster, stronger, more
co-ordinated. Ninja-slick reflexes. Course, if she’d sold her soul to Coke
instead, she’d be sharper, wittier. Coke nano lubes the transmitters. Neurons
firing faster, smarter, more productive. All depends on the brand, on your
lifestyle of choice and it’s all free if you qualify. Waster like me would never
get with the program, but sweet Kendra, straight up candidate of choice.
Apply now, boys and girls, while stocks last. You’ll never afford this high on
your own change.

Special K turned to me, on her fourth now, blissed out on the carbonated
nutri-sweet and the tech seething in her hot little sponsor baby bod, nodded,
“And one for my friend,” to the bartender like. And who was I to say no?

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