Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Already I have scheduled a meeting with the president for next week to advise
him on how best to...”
“Oh, make we dey go now! We go sleep for here?”
That was from the fellow with the head phones, he takes them off
just long enough to register his displeasure. He scowls deeply at Peter
Nwokedi, who drops the book in my lap in a hurry and progresses to move the
car out of the park. As we ease into the slow-moving line of buses with their
conductors wailing loudly for passengers, I give the book a cursory look over,
intrigued by the idea of the quaint driver actually publishing a book. Peter
Nwokedi soon resumes his tirade.
“If you go to page 156, you will see how I was able to tap into the
Yoruba world view to borrow from time tested methods that have worked for
astrophysics, medieval medicine and paranormal analysis....Do you know that
the Ifa corpus operates on a far more sophisticated base than the modern
computer? You see...now, if you just go to page 184, you will see where I have
been able to link all that with the way modern science and technology can be
harnessed afresh to recreate the world....”
“Ah-ahn...Mr. Professor, if you are so good, why are you not in the
University? Why are you driving a kabu-kabu at Obalende?”
That from his old adversary in the front seat, the chuckling
resumes between the two old men, they are enjoying themselves immensely. I
look up from trying desperately to get through the contorted language in Peter
Nwokedi’s ‘Redox Analysis Theory”. I know he will direct his response to this
new slight at me, for I have been appropriated as being of his ‘generation’ and
thus of enough intelligence to engage his attention.
“I do not need a University position to progress my research,
besides I am out on field work...you see as a progression from my work with
RAT, I have gone on to implement a live project for all ‘ doubting Thomases’.
No long waiting period for me while an evil horde of academic dumb heads
paws over my books and publications for authenticity. That is why my meeting
with the president is so important...you see, I have developed a Miniature
Plasma Drive....”
“Plasma drive?”

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