Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

That got me. I finally gathered sufficient courage to express my doubts.
Before I could catch myself, I was taking him up on his extraordinary tale.
“But yes, the MPD takes the best of nano-technology and takes
some aspects of RAT that can be applied to fluid mechanics and thermo
dynamics...then; I Peter Nwokedi single-handedly developed an
AntiGravitational Field Box which I have been able to synchronize with the
“Where did you do all these?...I mean, can I see...”
“But yes! I have converted my living room into a workshop, and
my kitchen serves as an advanced systems laboratory. In fact, my greatest
accomplishment is right here! I can give you a demonstration right away.”
“I don’t quite get it.”
Peter Nwokedi looked back at me and gave what could have
qualified as a cute smile. We had pulled out of the danfo bus-induced go slow
and were picking up speed as we approached one of the arteries of the bridge
network. Peter Nwokedi’s teeth gleamed eerily as he shifted gears and took the
bridge at a speed that felt strange for the aged Datsun.

I actually had an irrational fear that this odd apparition of a taxi driver might
be nothing but an alien sent to collect a small sample of humans, old and
young Nigerians, and he was heading back for a rendezvous with the mother
ship. What with the odd way in which the phones beeped just as I approached
the taxi at the park, like a signal of some kind — his words were so outrageous,
only an outrageous explanation could fit. As if he read my mind, Peter
Nwokedi looked back again and said reassuringly.
“Don’t worry, it’s the first time I will test it with everything coupled
together like this, but my calculations are impeccable and my preliminary
tests have all been perfect. My plan was to do this at night, but as these old
men remain in doubt as to my capabilities, I have been pushed to hasten the
The old men were less concerned, the fellow with the head phones
had resumed nodding his head; he proved to have little to say as long as we
were moving. As a repartee, the old adversary up front threw in an admonition.

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