Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Andrew Cowen

Worthless Men

  1. the fortunate ones
    After one long winter dredging the waterways for Meek’s Steam Navigation
    Company, and a second short summer hauling ice for Cyril Greenland to the
    wet fish merchants, dairymen and butchers who were everywhere then, in
    1914, Walter Barley fancied himself a man, robust enough to withstand the
    rigours of the fighting in Belgium and France – whatever those rigours might
    turn out to be – and took himself along to St Saviour’s Barracks one afternoon
    in the early weeks of the war, where the burly, bewhiskered sergeant on duty
    that day took a different view of him, having seen so many other men
    clamouring to be part of it – more men than the army had kit for, or barracks
    to bed them in, or weapons to arm them with; more men than would surely
    be needed to bring the Kaiser to his knees.
    ‘You need to grow a bit, sonny.’

‘I’m eighteen,’ Walter lied.

‘Nineteen is the minimum. Come back when you’re nineteen.’

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