Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

My Role Model

Charvis Kuo., Singapore

Many people have role models or people they look up to in their life.
Whether it be a actress, super hero, sports star, or just someone you admire
they inspire you and the decisions you make. For me, that person is my mom
she is very beautiful, successful. Ever since I could remember she has been
right beside me supporting any dream or goal I was trying to reach. When I
am older I hope I could be there for my kids the way she is for me.

The first thing I admire is her beauty. No matter if she is dressed casual or
professional she always looks clean cut and ready for anything that may come
up. She has a beautiful big white smile that can warm up a room. She has very
high cheekbones, which many people wish they were born with. Her eyes are
a very light brownish green color, just looking into them you can see all the
love she has for others. My mom is pretty tall I would say, but not to tall. I am
very lucky to of inherited my moms genes.

Now my mom isn’t all looks, she also has brains. She got her undergraduate
at Cal State Long Beach, and went on to getting her Masters degree at Arizona
State University in teaching. She has been teaching at Rhodes Junior High for
almost 10 years as a seventh grade science teacher. To this day she still loves
every minute of it. She is a very hard worker and makes sure that every lesson
she teaches keeps the students interested and learning. She goes over and
beyond for her students and does her best to make sure everything is to its full
potential before presenting it to her class. I hope that when I am older, in what
ever career I choose, I will work just as hard to be as successful as my mom.

Last, but certainly no where near the least, my mom has always been there

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