Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

for me to make sure every dream or goal I may have is reached. Ever since I
can remember my mom has done whatever she could to help me succeed in
numerous things. Whether I was struggling in a class, driving me wherever I
needed to be, or just needed someone to be there for support, my mom was
always the first one there. In ninth grade I became very sick and fell far behind
in school. I almost didn’t pass a few classes due to absence’s, but my mom
worked with me, stayed up late to help me, and talked to my teachers asking
for extensions so I could get caught up and move on to the tenth grade with no
worries of the past. Many parents I know would just leave it up to their kids
and if they didn’t pass they didn’t pass. Not my mom I’m fortunate enough to
have a thoughtful enough mom to push me and help me through the hard
times. Also, I have been dancing since the age of two, and competing in
competitions since I was five. A big part of dance life is traveling, for the most
part, pretty far. With my dad always gone on business trips I depended on my
mom to get me to the places I needed to be. No matter what she was doing, she
made sure I was there and on time with all my costumes, make up, and dance
shoes ready to perform. I know that if it wasn’t for her going through such
great lengths for me I would never been able to experience everything I have
so far.

Everyone has that one person they look up to as a role model; to me there is
none other than my mom. She has beauty, brains, and one of the biggest hearts
I know. Without her in my life I have no idea where I would be. Someday,
when I am married and have children of my own, I hope I can be just as great
of a mom to them as my mom has been for me.

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