Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

College Review: St. Michael’s College

By Jonathan H., Lowell, MA

Colchester, VT: I was told that college is a place to discover yourself and find
your passion. That statement made me really nervous about beginning my
college search. I had no clue what I wanted to do and didn’t know where to
begin. I took scouting trips with my family to find that “perfect place.” At first,
every college appeared to be perfect, which just increased my confusion.
While talking with friends, one mentioned St. Michael’s College in Vermont
and had nothing but excellent things to say about it. So I decided to make the
three-and-a-half-hour journey. The ride was long, but the sights along the way
and my music made it pass quickly. As soon as I saw the brick buildings and
wall that said “St. Michael’s College,” I knew I was in for a great experience.
I had heard that everyone in Vermont is extremely nice. Being from
Massachusetts, I was used to rude people. So I was surprised when I parked in
a visitor’s spot and was greeted by a pedestrian. I wondered if everyone
would be this friendly.
As I cruised along in the warm fall breeze to the dorm where I would stay, a
smile gleamed across my face that would remain there for my entire stay. The
buddy I was rooming with met me in the parking lot with some of his friends
who all helped carry my bags. I was staying in Ryan Hall, which I was told
was “the place to be if you’re a freshman.” Sure enough everyone there

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