Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Akron is known for its highly rated Honors College. For these
students there are special dorms and personal advisers to help along
the way. Akron is also well known for its College of Business, College
of Engineering, and its medical program.

As for the dorms, they have many types. Layouts range from
two-person rooms to seven-person townhouses. Students may
choose whom they want to room with, or be placed with someone
with common interests and living style.

As for tuition, in-state students pay a little over $16,000, and
out-of-state costs roughly $25,300 per year. The University of Akron
does offer scholarships for both academics and athletics (Division I).

Overall, I was blown away by the University of Akron. It is everything
I could want for my college experience. Not only are the academics
great, but I enjoyed the campus. There are tons of activities.
Hopefully, I will get the chance to live this ultimate college life at the
University of Akron.

Find out more at http://www.uakron.edu.

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