Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Colleges VS. Universities

By Da-Wei Ho

As students get into the swing of the school year, many will be taking a look
not only at their current studies, but their upcoming college plans as well. The
thought of going to college and furthering one's education raises many
questions, concerns and a lot of confusion. What is best for me? What is the
difference between a college and a university?

A university versus a college is usually considered to be a matter of size.
Universities are large and colleges are small, right? Generally, the answer is
yes. Most universities do have larger enrollments than colleges because they
are a collection of colleges placed on one campus that include both
undergraduate and graduate programs, with a wide array of courses.

Seniors in high school look for schools that offer a variety of courses because
they are not sure what kind of job they want. They are also looking for a nice
campus, good academics and good social aspects. Until recently, universities
were institutions that offered extensive masters and doctoral programs which
added to the perception that universities were academically better.

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