Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

My Life... A Big Adventure

Blake White, Dallas, TX

The excitement was killing me. My heart was beating faster than the speed
of light, I was wearing my best traveling clothes and my suitcase was all
packed and ready to go. It was the day.....the day I was going back to U.S.A

It was about 5:30 .My mom was doing some chores while my brother (Hamza,
who was 6 years old) and I (who was 8 years old) were watching
T.V. Everything was nice and peaceful, until mom’s phone rang. I was
running so fast to pick it up for her, but she had already grabbed it from the
table. Without any concern of who it was, she accepted the call and put it on

Hamza and I were trying to listen, but we couldn’t hear anything as the
phone’s volume was too low. We tried to tell Mom, but she looked really
worried so we didn’t bother much. Hamza was so curious to listen, for he
started giving weird hand signals to mom which was really irritating, so I
decided to turn it up myself. I saw that Mom was giving us an eerie look after
she saw that I was messing with her phone, yet I was so inquisitive to know
who it was that I forgot my manners. Anyways, now that everything was in
place, I sat down and listened.

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