Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

mention us. She never stayed so far from us before. My body was shaking. I
had to ask her if we were going. She said,

“Of course you’re going with me, I know I didn’t tell you but you will have to
cooperate with me okay. I have never gone through such a situation.”
“We promise.” Hamza said.
A sudden ease came to my mind.

A couple of days passed by and our tickets were booked to go to Pakistan
next week. Everything was going so quickly. Mom sold her boutique, our
house was gave on rent, my brother and I had to withdraw from school and
my dad bought a R.V to stay in while we were gone. I never expected so
many things to happen because of this trip. It felt like there is something I
don’t know.

Day to day till our flight, was with the same routine, Pack, eat, and go to bed,
every day. It felt like we were leaving in the next century, but eventually, the
week was over. It was finally time to go, all of our stuff was packed up and
ready to go. I had one hand carry and a suitcase while my mom and brother
only had suitcases. It was hard to say goodbye to a lot of things (even though
we were going for a little while)my home, my dad (who I was going to meet
later), and even my school, but as soon as I got on the airplane, I felt so
excited to meet my family after a long time. The last time I met them was 2
years ago, when it was my aunt’s wedding. It wasn’t so long, but I only
stayed there for a week during that trip.

While we were on the plane, I watched a lot of movies and took tons of naps.
My brother played video games while my mom was praying and reading our
Holy book. This was the first time I saw her so worried.

In the fullness of time, we arrived at our first destination. This flight was from

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