Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Houston to Dubai. It was about 14 hours long. All of us were really exhausted.
My legs were all cramped up and so was Hamza’s. Mom said that we should
walk around the airport to get a little stretched out. I really didn’t want to, but
it was better than doing nothing. As we walked around the airport, I saw a lot
of people from different places and cultures. It was very interesting to see and
learn a lot of stuff from them. Another thing that I really enjoyed at the
airport was the coloring pages corner. Each time they came across I picked up
a page, so that I can stay busy while waiting for the next flight. We looked at
the bulletin board to see how much longer we had to wait for the next flight.
It said we have about 2 hours more of wait.

“UHHHHH! Why can’t we just go directly in the plane?” Hamza said

“Be patient!” said mom.
We found a seat that had a lying down place, so we decided to let Hamza lie
down while mom and I sat on the chairs. Mom kept in touch with Grandma
and the other family with skype. She told me that everything is going fine
over there. I saw that she became a little less tense.

“Flight number EM386 ready for boarding!”
It was our flight number! We all got up from our seat, grabbed our luggage
and ran towards the boarding area. The air hostess checked our tickets and
directed us towards our seats. This flight was from Dubai to Pakistan. I
didn’t sleep during this flight at all even if Mom insisted so much, but next to
me was Hamza was snoring like a bear during hibernation.

Time flew by so quickly that I barely got time to finish my food. Anyhow, we
finally arrived to Pakistan!!
I didn’t know if I should’ve been excited or worried at the moment, but when
I saw the look on mom’s face I thought I was a little bit of both.

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