Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

When we were done with the immigration, Mom said that she was going to
call my uncle (who was from Italy)to check if he was here to pick us up, but
she didn’t have to because he was standing right next to the baggage claim
area , while waving his hand toward us. I was so thrilled to see him after such
a long period of time. Without any worry of my luggage, I ran as fast as I
could and gave him a huge hug.

After my uncle came to pick us up from the airport, we went to have
breakfast. The food was a little different from what I normally ate, but Mom
usually made this kind of stuff once in a while. Mom told us,
“You guys have to stay quiet and not fight with each other back at the house.
Your grandma needs plenty of rest until she gets better. I should not hear any
complaints about you. Understood.”

“Understood.” said Hamza and I.

We were finished with our breakfast and headed towards home. I felt a little
nervous when I thought about grandma,

“What if she is too sick to talk to me?”

“What if she won’t spend time with us?”

“Fatima! Wake up! We’re here! We’re here!” Hamza exclaimed.

I opened my eyes and saw Hamza shaking my arm and screaming in my ear.
We were here ... Finally! I opened my door and got out of the car. I went
inside and saw everyone crowded around grandma’s room. Her face ...It was

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