Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

This was going to be a big change for me. All my friends, my school, my stuff,
my home, the environment, everything will be different. I love learning new
things but maybe this is not the exact way I thought I would learn about this
country. Parents always make the best decision for us, maybe this is a once in
a lifetime opportunity. From now on I have a whole new life waiting for me


It was now two years since we were in Pakistan. Everything was just perfect,
nothing could be better.
Grandma’s health was perfectly fine, we had our own house, Hamza and I
went to a new school, Mom was the main head of administration of our
school, I had a lot of friends and I got to know so much about my family. We
were perfectly settled in our new life. Every day felt like a new adventure.

There was only one thing. Just recently, my other grandma died. She was my
dad’s mother. I became really close to her during this time she lived us. She
always guided us towards the right thing and was a great support when my
dad wasn’t here. It was a great loss for us. Dad lived in Houston to take care
of his transportation business. He only visited Pakistan in summer to stay
with us. Grandma died in winter, but that wasn’t the problem. He tried to
come to his mother’s funeral but he wasn’t able to because he didn’t find a
flight during that time. It was a very sad moment.

I was now 11 years old and was in 6th grade while Hamza was 8 years old
and was in 3rd grade. We just gave our final exams for the whole school year
and summer was right around the corner. We were so excited to meet dad
after 4 months, but a little sad for him too. He always met his mother when he
came but this time he won’t.

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