Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Mom called us to talk to dad on Skype, I was always thrilled to talk to dad,
and however this time I felt a little depressed. Dad told us that he booked his
ticket to come to Pakistan next week. I wondered if I should say YAY or
BOOHOO. I saw that mom was giving eye signals to Dad, yet I didn’t know
what it was about. Dad gave a big sigh and said,

“I am coming to bring you guys with me.”

“What! We just got settled here. We can’t leave!” I said

“It’s just a one year trip. I promise we will come back.”


“I can’t let you guys live alone. First you used to live with my mom but now
she died. We will work on the business a little more and then shut it down.
Then, I will always stay with you guys.”


I was feeling a little lonely without dad here, so I thought if we sacrificed for
this one year, our family will always stay together.

Today was the day dad was coming. Mom told me that we will only stay here
for one more month. During that time, we will pack all our stuff up and close
the house. I remembered the last time mom said that same dialogue, when
we were coming to Pakistan, but now everything is happening all over again.
I took a deep breath and thought about the way my life has been going,

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