Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

“First America, Then Pakistan, and once again America”

It was all like a merry – go –round that never stops...


We enjoyed a lot with dad in Pakistan. We went to our favorite places and ate
different kinds of food from favored restaurants.

The first few days were really tough for dad as he was feeling sorrow for his
mother’s death, but he started feeling better when he realized that it was all
just the cycle of life. I never saw Dad with such pain in his heart.

Mom was always rushing us to pack our stuff and throw all the un-needed
stuff in the trash. This time I packed every single thing of mine so I won’t
have to worry about it later. Hamza barely packed anything. He said he was
going to buy new stuff from America, but Mom wasn’t going to let that
happen. Dad didn’t have to do any packing, as all his stuff was already in his
suitcase. It was just mom and I that had to do the work.

Throughout the last week before we left, all our relatives came to our house to
say goodbye. It was really good to see them before we left. The person I was
going to miss the most was my Grandma. She was the one who took us to a
whole new adventure in our lives.

The excitement was killing me. My heart was beating faster than the speed
of light, I was wearing my best traveling clothes and my suitcase was all
packed and ready to go. It was the day...the day I was going back to U.S.A

Everything was done. We met all our relatives, packed our luggage, and

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