Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

closed the house. I had the same feeling in me as I had the day we left
Houston; excitement.

Mom had booked a van to take us to the airport as, we couldn’t fit all our
luggage in on car. Once we arrived there, my body started shivering. All I
wondering was where my life takes me next. There was so much traveling,
but we just didn’t settle in one place.

I asked Dad about some of the problems we might have to face when we go
back to Houston, but he said that he already worked them out. I saw that
everyone besides me was completely relaxed, I was taking this thing to tough.
Mom told me to calm down and take a quick nap before we land, but I
couldn’t I was worried and excited at the same time. As I heard this
harmonious music, I found myself feeling doozy. The next thing you know I
was asleep.

“Thank you for flying with American Airlines, We hope you enjoyed the
flight. You have now arrived to Houston” said the air hostess standing in
front of me. I got up from my seat and grabbed my luggage.

“We’re finally here! Said Hamza.

After we got off the plane, dad got a taxi for us to go home.

As we got off the taxi, we opened the door and got in the house. It felt so
good to finally step in the house from where our journey began.

I am now living in Houston Texas with my family. I used to be this girl who
was sick of too much traveling, but I realized that adventures are the best way
to learn new things. No matter how short your journey is, it always teaches
you a whole new lesson. I don’t know where I’ll end up next, but I’m sure
that I’ll discover a lot. Always remember, your journey never ends.

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