Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Oelanla Parker, Brooklyn, NY
When I told my friends I was going to Brazil for three weeks, many
questioned why I wanted to go. Some thought Brazil was all rainforest with
few populous cities, others thought there was no cultural background to the
country. Aside from the fact that I have an aunt in Belo Horizonte, I went to
Brazil to experience a different culture and get away from the boredom of the
suburbs. Brazil is a country full of life, from the lush botanical gardens in
Riode Janeiro to the very social people, to their favorite sport, soccer.

InRio de Janeiro - one of Brazil's biggest cities - there is a botanical garden that
covers over 100 acres. Calling it a garden is an understatement; it houses
thousands of different plants and animals, all growing with little aid from
humans. The exquisite gardens are very peaceful.

In the treetops, monkey sand tropical birds screech and hoot to one another.
Some of the monkeys were so inquisitive, they followed me around and ate
fruit from my hand.

Due to lush vegetation and flowers blooming almost all year round, butterflies
and hummingbirds are everywhere. I was wearing a red shirt, and in no time
the butterflies were all over me - I needed help to get them off.

The people of Brazil are some of the friendliest I've met. My aunt's friends
welcomed me with such love and cheer-fullness that I felt part of their family.
We shared stories about our countries, and I played soccer until it was

When the food came, I was in heaven. We had a sirocco (barbeque) with
everything from grilled chicken to filet mignon, pork and shish kebabs, and
even chicken hearts, which sounded nauseating, but were so delicious, I ate
five.After dinner, my new friends took me to a dance club where I met their
friends. The next day they invited me to a professional soccer match.

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