Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Interview with James Hannon

Photo Courtesy of Stephen Stone Production/ Spotlight Cover

  1. What are the projects that you are currently working
    Iā€™m currently working on my first EP (Extended Play), on
    tour, and doing some studio recordings.

  2. What do you feel is your biggest achievement so far?
    In my opinion, growing my social media, going on tour,
    meeting and greeting some fans are my biggest
    achievements so far.

  3. Besides singing, what are you passionate about?
    I am also interested in taking care of the world, making
    sure the world is peaceful.

  4. What do you think is the difference between
    traditional singer and web singer?
    Web music stars have huger advantage than tradition
    singers as they have strong presence on social media and are
    able to promote themselves in front of the public.

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