Entertainment Teens September 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

Interview with Mace Coronel

  1. What are the projects that you are currently working
    Basically I won’t say anything before signing legal
    paperwork. But I always get involved with acting.

  2. What do you feel is your biggest achievement so far?
    Being happy, healthy and doing what I love

  3. Why and when did you start your acting career?
    I actually wanted to stand-up comedy like Dave Chappelle
    at first, but ended up also being interested in acting.

  4. Besides acting, what are you passionate about?
    Shooting Youtube videos, playing instruments and
    hanging out with my friends and families.

  5. What do you feel is your favorite episodes on NRDD?
    I don’t really watch my own show; therefore I can’t answer
    your question.

  6. So many young actors are committed to public service,
    setting a great example for their peers in terms of being
    involved with charities and the community. What causes
    are important to you, and what do you do to support
    I did a lot of charities. But you can’t trap into one deeply.
    There are a lot of celebrities who just take a photo and not
    100% into it.

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