8 Days — October 05, 2017

(Tuis.) #1




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for life
David Gan is easily one of
the most fortunate and
envied men in Singapore,
considering his incredible
relationships with Fann and
Zoe, and having accumulated
a fortune despite his humble
background. Initially, he
comes across as loud and
a bit of a show-off, but last
week’s interview with him
revealed his meticulous and
anxious side. He fussed
over Fann and made sure he
didn’t steal the limelight. It
is his generosity, sincerity and sensitivity that have
made him a beloved “mother” to the celebrities.
— Abu Dhabi
Ed: Congrats, you’ve won the prize.

‘Fann And Her Bu’ on last week’s cover really
spurred me to purchase your magazine. I loved
the interview and how candid their replies were. It
reminded me of a close guy friend of mine in the
past, whom I also called “Bu”. Being able to share
secret stories or mundane things about your day
to that one person is really comforting. Very few
people — even girlfriends, would give you so much
of their time and listen to you attentively. I am
currently looking for another Ah Bu to talk to. Fann,
wanna share your Bu?
— Vanessa Koh

Fann Wong's friendship with David Gan is so
sweet. In fact, I felt a toothache coming on after
reading about them in last week’s issue! Mama
bear David deserves to be in the spotlight for
literally grooming Fann to become who she is
today, fussing over her like an overprotective
parent. They are truly the best of pals. With people
now more obsessed with their electronic gadgets,
such warm and lasting human connections
are rare and precious. These two friends ooze
chemistry. How I wish I had a buddy like Ah Bu in
my life.
— Friendship Goals

Scared silly
I can't remember the last time I've read
a magazine in its physical form — I
usually just read stuff via my mobile
phone. But recently, I happened to pick
up a copy of 8 DAYS while waiting for my
wife who was shopping. And boy was I
intrigued by the feature ‘10 Unexpected
Haunted Places
In Singapore’. I
am glad that the
Seventh Month is
now over because
I was so spooked
by the stories!
Reading that
feature sure
beats watching
a mediocre
horror movie.
I guess your
mag still hasn't
lost its touch.
— Ivann Lim

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