IFR Asia – September 30, 2017

(Barry) #1

The IFR Internationalization of Capital Markets in Emerging Asian Economies Roundtable is taking place

over lunch on Saturday October 14 at the 2017 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International

Monetary Fund in Washington D.C.

Asia’s capital markets are opening up, offering an exciting alternative to the anaemic growth and political

uncertainty confronting investors in much of the developed world. The liberalisation of China’s domestic bond

market is the single most exciting development in global fixed income today, but Beijing is not alone in embracing

global capital. India is also internationalising the rupee with the introduction of offshore Masala bonds, and

early steps are under way to deepen capital markets across Southeast Asia. China’s Belt and Road initiative, the

development of clean energy and green infrastructure in India and China, the arrival of new multilateral lenders,

and the renminbi’s inclusion in the IMF’s basket of reserve currencies are also adding to the momentum.

The vast sums of money involved mean global investors can no longer afford to ignore Asia’s emerging capital

markets – onshore renminbi bonds alone totalled US$6.4trn at the end of 2016. As index providers update their

benchmarks, international fund managers will need to be aware of differences in market practices, including

credit ratings, valuations and expectations of state support, when reassessing their allocations.

Moderated by IFR Asia Editor, Steve Garton, this 90-minute Roundtable discussion will bring together a panel

of expert speakers to discuss these themes, assess the current state of play and provide an outlook for future

developments. A buffet lunch will be provided for all attendees.

The event is free to attend to everyone attending the 2017 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and

the International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C. – so please come to the Event Hall, HQ1-1-660 at 12:30

on Saturday October 14 2017.

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Saturday October 14 2017 | 12:30 – 14:00 | Event Hall – HQ1-1-660 | IMF Meeting, Washington D.C.

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