From above: “The
neighbourhood of
Augusta, Georgia,
was once notable for
its fi ne homes owned
by black professionals,
like Clara Hornsby,
who is dressed for
Sunday services in this
picture,” Moore says.
“The artist Butch
Anthony stacked
these shipping
containers to create
the Drive-Thru
Museum in Seale,
Alabama, an extension
of his Museum of
Wonder, containing
folk art, relics, and
curiosities. Anthony’s
elaborately decorated
white Cadillac used
to belong to the
musician Leon
Russell.” Opposite:
“Refugees from
Napoleon’s inner
circle who fl ed
France after Waterloo
founded Demopolis,
the ‘City of the
People,’ in 1819.
Its architectural high
point is the Greek
Revival plantation
house Gaineswood,
the interior of which
can be seen here.” 101