Time Asia — October 10, 2017

(nextflipdebug5) #1

‘Al l o f u s h a v e
to stand up
for ... civil
Try living in
a country
where they
stop talking
and start
former dean
of Princeton’s
Wilson School

‘has made
the distance
making an
and causing
New YorkTimes

art of disagreement is not only about
confrontation, but also about learning.
It requires that we defend our views ...
and, at the same time, consider whether
our views might be mistaken.”
But some speakers challenge the basic
values that make this learning possible.
They use the university’s commitment to
the free exchange of ideas to promulgate
positions that threaten the fabric of
the community as a whole. They spew
intolerant and hateful views.
The torch-bearing neo-Nazis
shouting “Jews will not replace us” in
Charlottesville are just one extreme
example. Richard Spencer and Coulter
are another. They add little to the debate
at universities and colleges. Coulter
revels in her ability to insult broadly.
Spencer thinks white people are superior
to black people. How can I reasonably
argue with someone who believes he is
innately better? It’s as intellectually valid
as saying “Kiss my ass.”

resist the rhetorical sleight of hand
that claims it is intolerant to disallow
intolerant speech, and instead protect
the conditions of equal standing and
dignity that make for the free exchange
of ideas in our communities. We must
never sanction a callous disregard of
Not all conservative speech is hateful
speech, and we ought to be able to distin-
guish the difference. Most conservatives
aren’t like Yiannopoulos, Spencer and
Coulter. Such conservatives should, and
do, speak on campuses every day. But if
they hold controversial views, like any
speaker of whatever ideological bent,
they should expect a passionate response
that may take the form of protests. And
in those cases, students have every right
to exercise their freedom of speech.
Some conservatives want to
proselytize without pushback. They
want to exact judgment without being
judged. When others reasonably call
them racist or sexist or homophobic,
they clutch their pearls and cry foul. One
wonders who the real snowflakes in this
drama are.

Glaude is the chair of the department
of African-American studies at Princeton

colleges have become illiberal spaces that stifle free speech.
They point to the violent protests at the University of
California, Berkeley, that prevented Milo Yiannopoulos from
speaking, or the threat of protests that led to the cancellation
of Ann Coulter’s appearance at the school. With horror, they
recall what happened to Charles Murray at Middlebury
College and list examples of coddled students protesting the
likes of Condoleezza Rice. All of which reflects, they believe, a
broader culture on campuses designed to quarantine students
from diverse political opinions—to secure them in their “safe
spaces” with “trigger warnings” and “political correctness.”
No wonder, conservatives claim, that we have a generation of
special snowflakes, quick to take offense and even quicker,
when challenged, to melt like snow in the hot sun.
I ran smack into this argument onMorning Joe, where
I often appear. Joe Scarborough and the panelists took a
dumbfounding position, and I was flummoxed in my response.
I spend every day on a campus that has plenty of political
conservatives. I also know faculty who worry about facing
death threats because of something they’ve said or written.
Public universities like the University of Wisconsin–
Madison are suffering under the weight of a conservative
legislature and Governor Scott Walker. Lawmakers are
passing deeply hypocritical “campus free speech” legislation
to curb the right to free speech in the name of protecting
conservatives. Even the President of the United States is
willing to throw the First Amendment in the trash as he urges
NFL owners to fire or suspend players who refuse to stand
during the national anthem. The defense of free speech seems
to be highly selective, but the idea of universities and colleges
as hotbeds of intolerant liberals is just plain wrong.
Thousands of lectures across the ideological spectrum
happen on campuses. Students go to classes, participate in
various organizations and attend lectures without incident.
Imagine how many times Murray or Rice or Ben Shapiro have
actually spoken on campuses without its becoming a national
spectacle. The protests we have witnessed recently are not
the norm, but conservatives and even some liberal columnists
would have us believe otherwise.

IN MANY WAYS,the university setting is the most vibrant
space for the free exchange of ideas in this country. That
doesn’t mean that universities and colleges are free from the
passions of political debate. Just as those passions inflame
partisanship in national and local politics, they show up on
campuses, especially in the hearts and minds of young people
who fight it out, sometimes with abandon. Hopefully in the
process, they learn what Princeton president Christopher
Eisgruber recently conveyed to the entering class: “The


In the debate over campus

free speech, who are the

real special snowflakes?

By Eddie S. Glaude Jr.

Free download pdf