Business Traveller Asia-Pacific Edition — October 2017

(Frankie) #1

MyZone MZ-3
This activity belt is worn around
the chest, and claims to give
more accurate heart rate readings
than wrist trackers. When synced
with its own app or the likes of Apple Health,
you can view your effort readings and compare with friends.

Misfit Ray
You can swim in this
fitness band, as well as
track steps, calories and
the distance and time you
have run. Receive a phone
call or message and it
will vibrate. You
will need to
replace the
every four
119.99, OCTOBER 2017

Fitness I 71

UA Band
Under Armour’s device counts
your steps, workout intensity and
calories burnt (and consumed, if
you input what you eat). Set goals,
see your progress and control the
music you are listening to on UA
wireless headphones.

of floors
you have
climbed, get
social media alerts and
see how hard your heart is
pumping. You can also view
the routes you have walked
or run on the app. Move IQ
discerns between different
types of motion.

s 160bpm: use the “beats per minute” your heart is
pumping to reach optimal fat burning (the number
depends on your age and how fit you are)

s 180bpm (HR Max): measures the maximum number
of beats per minute your heart should pump when
fully exerting yourself (the standard formula is 220
minus your age)

s 200 metres (elevation gain): a measurement of
elevation using a built-in altimeter to show how hard
you have worked going uphill or upstairs

s 8.12km/h: your average pace is measured by the time
it takes to run 1km

s 185spm: your “steps per minute” or “cadence” is
vital to showing how efficient your running form is
(tracking allows you to target an optimal number)

s 250 milliseconds (ground contact time): the amount
of time your foot makes contact with the ground
when running – the quicker, the better (an Olympic
sprinter might be 190 milliseconds)

s 10cm (VO): “vertical oscillation” is the amount you
bounce up and down when running – it typically
ranges between 6cm and 13cm, with pros leaning
towards the lower end of the scale (the more you
bounce, the more energy you waste)

s 40ml/kg/min (VO 2 Max): you will need to test your
VO 2 Max, which is a measurement of how efficiently
your body can consume oxygen, in a laboratory – the
fitter you are, the higher the number (49ml/kg/min
would be a good result for a 35-year-old man)

s 1,235cals (BMR): your “basal metabolic rate” is a
measure of how many calories you burn over 24 hours
without any exercise or effort

s 162cals (EPOC): “excess post-exercise oxygen
consumption” is an indication of the amount of calories
you continue to burn after a workout


UP3 by Jawbone
Track your resting,
passive and active heart
rate, as well as deep, light
and REM sleep. You can also
log your food intake in the app
and set alerts to encourage you
to exercise if you need that extra
boost. It comes in six colours,
including black, silver and navy.
From US$39,
Free download pdf