Forbes Asia — October 2017

(Marcin) #1

Bricks and Clicks


Model turned entrepreneur Yael Aflalo is betting physical “tech stores” and data
can turn her eco-friendly It-girl brand Reformation into a fast-fashion empire.


n an early-September morning, Yael Aflalo, 4 0,
glides through the tech-heavy West Hollywood store
of Reformation, her eco-friendly fashion brand.
Wearing frayed cigarette jeans, a dark Reformation
tee reading, “I went to Mars and all I got was this
stupid T-shirt” and Chanel flats, the founder and CEO mimics the
path of a shopper. She holds up a Reformation bestseller, a flowing
flowered dress, then walks over to one of a handful of touchscreens
along the wall to browse everything from blazers to crop tops.
With a few taps, Aflalo can choose what she wants to try on,
then go grab a coffee or flip through the racks, while behind the
scenes store employees assemble her selections, deliver them to a
dressing room and, when all is ready, notify her by text. In the dress-
ing room, she can charge her phone, play her favorite music and
choose from a set of mood-lighting options like “sexy time” and
“golden,” which are perhaps more pleasing for trying on a swimsuit
or an evening dress. From the dressing-room screen, she can ping
“wizards” in the back to call in new items. “This is how people shop
now, standing next to each other at a screen in a store,” Aflalo says.
Flattering silhouettes, quality and that trendy trait—sustain-
ability—have made Reformation wildly popular among Millenni-
al women of certain means, who are willing to drop anywhere from
$6 0 to $25 0 per item. It doesn’t hurt that the label is regularly seen
on celebrities like Taylor Swift, Rihanna and model Karlie Kloss.
With a growing number of “tech stores” like the one in West
Hollywood, Aflalo is building on that success and putting Reforma-
tion on a path to $ 140 million in sales next year, up from just $25
million in 2015. The hustle and bustle at the company’s four tech-in-
fused stores suggests Aflalo has cracked the code on a “bricks and
clicks” strategy, a seamless meshing of offline tangibility and online
convenience that seems essential to success in the age of Amazon.
While e-commerce makes up 8 0% of Reformation’s revenue,
the stores help attract customers and boost sales. Reformation’s
stores are doing so well—customers are twice as valuable to the label
when they discover it through brick and mortar—that the compa-
ny, which also has a handful of more traditional outlets, plans to
add between five and eight tech stores next year in the U.S. at a time
when many retailers are retrenching. Paris, London and Scandina-
via are in Aflalo’s sights for the following year. “Although retail e-
commerce is growing by leaps and bounds, the store experience is
becoming more important,” says Ananda Chakravarty, an analyst at
the research firm Forrester. “Companies that capture the customer’s
heart and mind are going to win.”
Reformation’s stores don’t just remove pain points for shop-

pers—they also collect data that traditional retailers lack, every-
thing from how long customers spend trying on particular items
to which pieces convert best from dressing rooms to cash registers
and which pieces shoppers browsed. Reformation merges custom-
ers’ online and in-store activity to improve recommendations. Most
retailers know how many people walked in and how many bought
something, but not much else. “We created a store where all the in-
teractions are tracked,” says Aflalo, who is also Reformation’s prod-
uct mastermind. (Her husband, Ludvig Frössén, is creative director.)
Aflalo started Reformation in 2009 as a side gig and took no out-
side funding. By 2013 , she turned her attention to it full-time. The
company has since become profitable and grown to nearly 550 em-
ployees. In 2015 , it raised $ 12 million from venture investors led by
Stripes Group and 14 W, at an estimated valuation of $8 7 million.
Aflalo says surveys show product design is the main driver of
Reformation’s sales, with the promise of sustainability a close sec-
ond. Like the fast-fashion giants H&M and Forever 2 1, Reforma-
tion operates on a rapid design-to-rack cycle of 42 days. But unlike
cheaper fast fashion, Reformation spares its customers the noto-
rious lines, piles of sizes and uncomfortable dressing rooms. The
turnaround time limits the number of units of each style and color
and creates a sense of exclusivity without designer prices.
While Aflalo started with Millennial women, her vision is to
bring her collections to the masses, adding product lines that span
gender and age brackets. She is betting that a focus on quality and
rising environmental awareness will help Reformation take on not
only standard fast fashion but also higher-end Goliaths like Urban
Outfitter’s Anthropologie and Free People brands.
“Yael has created that opportunity to be a next-generation Zara,”
says Ken Fox, the founder of Stripes Group and a Reformation
board member. “She merges a merchant’s view with state-of-the-
art data technology to serve the customer.” For all its early success
and potential, Reformation has a long way to go before it can stake
a claim as a real competitor among the fast-fashion giants: Zara had
revenue of $ 18. 3 billion last year, and H&M Group, the parent com-
pany of H&M, had $27.7 billion. Meanwhile, fashion consumers
are notoriously fickle. What’s hot today may not be around tomor-
row. Witness Nasty Gal, a once-trendy online fashion brand that
did nearly $ 100 million in revenue in 2014 only to file for bankrupt-
cy two years later, or Gilt Groupe, an early e-commerce unicorn that
sold last year for a quarter of its peak valuation.
To move fast and ensure it can live up to its green promises, Ref-
ormation manufactures 6 0% of its clothing in its Los Angeles facto-
ry, where employees cut, sew and press dresses and attach zippers.

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