Tell Tail n Aug 2017 - Oct 2017 35
hey all bark at strangers
And hate intruders you see
But, is my dog like that
Well, no sireee
She is very loyal
And has a large heart
And when you say the word biscuit
She will hear it from miles apart
She protests by barking
When we say the word NO
But when it comes to mischief
She’s always on the GO
Now who is this lovely dog?
Hint—she is a labrador pup
If your guess is GYPSY
The you get a thumbs up!
— Nandini Patil, Std VI,
Vikhe Patil Memorial School
Dear reaDers, this
page is especially for
children to write in about
their pets. you can send
in a drawing / painting,
a cartoon strip or write
a story or a poem about
your pets! Send a photo
of you with your pet
along with the story to
com and mention
My Buddy in the
The best entries
will be published in
Tell Tail.