Small wondeR
38 Tell Tail^ n^ Aug 2017 - Oct 2017
n A buck is a male rabbit, doe a
female and baby is called a kit.
n When selecting a pet make sure
there is no runny nose or eyes and
there is no runny stomach.
n They are perfect apartment pets
since they don’t require walking and
they don’t make noise! They live for
about seven years.
n When you get a rabbit home, he
may take time to settle in and to bond
with you. Give him that time. Let him
explore the house at his pace.
n Sit on the floor near him and offer
him treats. He will come for the
treats and will slowly make friends
with you.
n Talk to him.
n The big plus is that rabbits can be
potty trained. Yes, if you give them
a litter tray and a quiet corner, most
will use the litter tray.
n Be ready to spend money on
fresh vegetables and fruits. They
need a lot of fiber in their diet. Hay is
a must, for all rabbits. Young rabbits
must be given hay as soon as they
start eating. A teaspoon of whole
grain is great in a day’s meal. Fruits
should not make up entire meals but
be part of meals.
n Rabbit teeth grow very fast so you
must try to feed them food that will
wear them down naturally.
n They need space close to the
family, not in complete isolation.
Rabbits need room to play, they
need social interaction and they
enjoy activities.
n Curious creatures, rabbits can
chew through wires, cables, sofas,
rugs etc. So give them something to
do. If they find an object chewable,
chances are that they will chew it!
Keep them occupied by building
them simple toys like cardboard
castles stuffed with old books and
smaller cardboard boxes.
n Like with all animals, different
rabbits have different personalities.
Some are more aloof than others,
some like to be picked up more
than others. Figure out your rabbits’
personality and work along with it!
n If your rabbit doesn’t eat, take
him/her to the vet.
n Have fun together!
n Corn, coriander,
cucumber, cauliflower,
carrot, basil, banana, apple,
n Couple of leaves of
spinach, beetroot and
n Pellet food
Pretty little rabbit
The image of a snow white rabbit munching on a carrot is the
first picture that comes to mind when you think of a rabbit. But
there is more than just a carrot that a rabbit needs. Here’s a list
for you to refer to!