Experiments in nonfiction
Trying to Conceive
It’s not difficult to imagine a line. First, close your eyes.
Remember when you were a child and noticed every-
thing about the world: the light stretching just so across
the baseball field, the white dog fur on the kitchen
floor, the map-like lines on your mother’s stomach.
It can’t be that hard to see a line.
Open your eyes. Do you see it yet?
Hold it up to the window. To the bedroom lamp.
You’re searching for light. Take it outside. Squint harder.
Te l l y o u r h u s b a n d , I think I see something. Watch as
he squints. I don’t see it, he says. Get angry with him.
Think how you always notice what he doesn’t: the new
restaurant downtown, your friend’s haircut. Hold it
closer to his face. Does he see it now? How about now?
has been published in
Fiction Advocate, The
Nervous Breakdown,
Motherwell, and Entropy,
among others. She has
received a residency from
the Spring Creek Project.
She lives in Portland,
Oregon, and is currently
working on her first book.