Creative Nonfiction - Fall 2017

(Frankie) #1


Seeing Your Story Through a
New Lens: A Screenwriters
Workshop in Cuba
with Kirk Ellis


Writing Havana: An Immersion
Class in Place-Based Writing
with Pam Houston


Bringing Havana to Life:
Creative Nonfiction Immersion
with Lee Gutkind


Havana, Cuba: Craing Non-
Fiction that Reads Like a Novel
with Hampton Sides

MAY    -
Down to the Marrow:
A Sit, Walk, Write Retreat
with Natalie Goldberg

Learning to Listen to Your Story
with Margaret Wrinkle
Creating Writing:
A Sense of Beginning
with Sean Kernan

Old Friend From Far Away: The
Practice of Writing Memoir
with Natalie Goldberg
and Robert Wilder
Words + Images:
Photography and Storytelling
with Tony O’Brien
and William DeBuys


Join us in the rarefied air of magical New Mexico or vibrant and ever-changing Cuba for the Writers Lab. Be fully
present for a unique educational experience—led by some of the world’s most accomplished writers—that is bound to
change your life as a writer and as a person.

Lee Gutkind, Natalie Goldberg, Pam Houston, Kirk Ellis, Margaret Wrinkle, William DeBuys, Sean Kernan, and
Hampton Sides, renowned in the literary world, provide daily lessons on the art and craft of writing in a variety of
genres and travel destinations. In quiet settings, they encourage constructive conversation and motivate you to
muse and write.

writerslab﹒santafeworkshops﹒com• -!"#-$% ext$$$

© Jennifer Spelman
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