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Observations on US and European
Approaches to Reef-keeping
In the past, when I came to
Europe, learned things and
then passed them on to my
friends in the States, I could
not help but notice that there
was a sense of competitive-
ness that my US friends felt.
This no doubt came from the
feeling that, since reef tanks
had been around longer in
Europe, “we” were signifi cantly
behind them in our technol-
ogy and the products that we
had available. In this regard,
at that time, many meetings
here brought in speakers from
Europe to share their method-
ologies in the hope that they
would reveal their “secrets”, and
that would help us to become
as successful as they were. As
a result, over the years the gap
between successful European
reef-keeping in Europe and the
Having been able to travel to Europe since the mid-1990’s, I have been very fortunate
in that the focus of many of these trips was to observe what my European counterparts
were (and are) doing in the hobby. I will not pretend that I have been to every country
but generally, it has been my observation that there still are signifi cant diff erences in
how things are done in each. All may seem successful, but from my point of view, the
hobbyists in each country are all doing things just lightly a little diff erently. During my
travels, I try to learn what each one does best and then try to incorporate these ‘best bits’
into what I am doing with my own tanks.
States has narrowed. Also, with
the advent of the internet, in
my opinion there is now much
more of a sense of the ‘common
good’ and working together
than there was in the past.
However there still are signifi -
cant diff erences between how
reef-keeping is practiced in
the US versus how things are
done in Europe. Again, I do not
want to generalise and these
Images and text by Mike Paletta
observations are my opinion,
but I did ask my friends to
confi rm my observations. The
most signifi cant of these in my
opinion is how most Europeans
approach the hobby versus
how it is approached here.
While both camps are passion-
ate and want to have beautiful,
colourful and thriving tanks,
overall approaches are subtly,
yet signifi cantly, diff erent.