J u n e 2 017 69
Maxwell’s Reef
Acropora aculeus
Acropora aspera
Acropora echinata ‘Ice Fire’
Acropora gomezi
Acropora loripes
Acropora microclados
‘Strawberry Shortcake’ (x 8 or 9
colour/form variations)
Acropora millepora ‘Red’
Acropora millepora ‘Red Disney’
Acropora millepora ‘Sunset’
Acropora nana
Acropora sarmentosa
Acropora secale
Acropora sp. ‘Captain Jack’
Acropora sp. ‘Mr Miyagi’
Acropora sp. ‘Orange crush’
Acropora sp. ‘Pearl berry’
Acropora sp. ‘Sustainable reefs
Acropora sp. ‘Sustainable reefs
teal with blue polyps’
Acropora sp. ‘Tierra Del Fuego’
Acropora sp. ‘Titanium’
Acropora sp. ‘wild green blue
tip stag’
Acropora sp. ‘wild lilac/blue with
green polyps’
Acropora sp. ‘Yellow’
Acropora sp. ‘Bali Shortcake’ x2
Acropora sp. ‘Bali Slimer’
Acropora sp. ‘Red Planet’
Acropora sp. ‘Yellow’ x2
Acropora spathulata
Acropora spathulata ‘Purple
with green polyps’
Acropora spathulata ‘Purple
with red polyps’
Acropora suharsonoi
Acropora tenius ‘Walt Disney’
Acropora tortuosa ‘Blue’
Acropora valida ‘Tricolor’ (x2)
Montipora digitata ‘Forest Fire’
Montipora hirsuta
Montipora setosa
Montipora sp. ‘Green plate’
Montipora sp. ‘Purple plate’
Pocillopora sp. ‘Fibre optic’
Pocillopora sp. ‘Pink’
Seriatopora histrix
Stylophora pistillata ‘Milka’
Goniopora sp. ‘Red’ Flowerpot
Duncanopsammia axifugia
Catalaphyllia jardinei
Caulastrea sp.
Physogyra sp.
Echinophyllia/Echinopora sp.
‘Watermelon’ Chalice
Zebrasoma flavescens
Yellow Tang
Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis
Chevron Tang
Acanthurus lineatus
Clown Tang
Siganus vulpinus
Foxface Rabbitfish
Amphiprion percula ‘Snowflake’
Clownfish (x2)
Centropyge bispinosa
Coral Beauty
Salarias ramosus Starry Blenny
Chelmon rostratus
Copperband Butterfly
Nemateleotris magnifica
Red Firefish (x2)
Anampses twistii
Yellowbreasted Wrasse
lapillus Mauritian Jewel Wrasse
Halichoeres biocellatus
Redline Wrasse
Pseudanthias squamipinnis
Lyretail Anthias
Pseudanthias sp. Anthias (pos-
sibly P. resplendens)