2017-10-01 Birds & Bloom

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Total Cost at $14.95 per set: $ ________
Add Custom 20th Century
Type Display Folders and
SAVE 28% at $2.50 each
(regularly $3.49): $ ________
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Please send coupon to:
Dept. 3RN414
1309 Mt. Eustis Road
Littleton NH 03561-3737



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Please send me the 4-Coin Collector’s Set of
Scarce American Classics for ONLY $14.95 –
regularly $43.50, plus FREE shipping (limit 5 sets). Also send my
FREE 1943 Reprocessed Steel Cent (one per customer, please).

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Method of payment: RCheck or Money Order payable
to Littleton Coin Co.
R VISA R MasterCard R American Express R Discover

FREE Gift!
when you order within 30 days
1943 Reprocessed Steel
Cent – minted in steel to
save copper for the war
effort during WWII

©2017 LCC, Inc.

4 -Coin Set of

Includes Two

SAVE 65 %

America’s Favorite Coin Source • TRUSTED SINCE 1945

Special Offer for New Customers Only

ENJOY BIG SAVINGS on America’s best-loved coins!
All over 65 years old, these vanishing classics feature the
most beautiful and cherished designs ever seen on the cent,
nickel, dime and half dollar:

-^ 1916-1947 Liberty Walking Half Dollar –^ a coinage
classic considered the most beautiful 90% silver coin in
U.S. history.
-^ 1916-1945 Mercury Dime – minted in 90% silver and
spanning two world wars, the Roaring Twenties and the
Great Depression.
-^ 1913-1938 Buffalo Nickel – this major departure from
traditional Liberty depictions is considered the most
uniquely American design.
-^ 1859-1909 Indian Head Cent – century-old bronze coin

introduced before the Civil War and minted in limited
quantities for 50 years.
Get your 4-Coin Collector’s Set today for ONLY $14.95
and SAVE 65% off the regular price of $43.50, plus FREE
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reprocessed 1943 cent struck in steel to save copper for the
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plus other fascinating selections from our Free
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may purchase any or none of the coins – return balance in
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Mail coupon today or order online at:
Due to fl uctuations in the coin market, prices and limits are subject to change.
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