Bonito, Rio Prata, and
Lagoa Misteriosa
In the afternoon, we set off on a
three-hour drive to Bonito, where
our goal was clear water and a
mysterious lagoon. Bonito (Por-
tuguese for “the beauty”) was not
really the highlight that we had
imagined. The small town (popula-
tion 15,000) is quite modern—there
are few old houses, but plenty of
fast food joints, restaurants, and
shopping options. However, it is the
ideal base from which to explore
the surrounding sights. Tours can
be organized and booked through
local travel agencies. Around 30
different tours are offered, but many
overlap, so you should concentrate
on the real highlights. The number
of participants is limited, because
the authorities have recognized that
sustainable ecotourism is one of the
best options for the region.
A snorkeling tour in the Rio Pra-
ta is an absolute must. Snorkeling
equipment, including shorty, fins,
and mask, is provided. It is rare to
encounter water this clear—visibility
is 165 feet (50 m) or more—and the
water temperature is a comfortable
75°F (24°C). Here you can see large
black Pacus, Piraputangas, and silver
dollars. Smaller tetra species, which
almost every aquarium owner is fa-
miliar with, are also numerous. We
also saw Serpae Tetras, Black Skirt
Tetras, and Red-Eye Moenkhausia, as
well as several L-catfishes.
Diving in the Abismo
Anhumas cave
One of the most famous caves in
the Pantanal is the Gruta do Lago
Azul, the Cave of the Blue Lake.
To get perfect light conditions,
you should go in the morning.
But diving at Abismo Anhumas is
clearly more adventurous: After
some instruction, you rappel 235
feet (72 m) into a cave filled with
crystalline water. At this point
you may ask yourself, “What am
I doing here?” Peering down into
the depths can be unsettling. Will
the rope hold? Is it worth it? I must
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