Birdwatch UK October 2017

(coco) #1

58 Birdwatch•October 2017



AUGUST’S gamebirds challenge seems to have
been a popular one with Birdwatch readers, with the
most prominent species submitted being Black and
Red Grouse.
It is a superb  ight shot of the latter that takes
this month’s top spot. Tony White has taken this
lovely image, which is unusual in that most grouse
 ight photos are of birds  ying away from the
photographer after they explode from the ground in
front of you.
This, however, is a lovely shot of a bird  ying
across the lens in perfect side-on portrait mode. It
is pin sharp and nicely exposed, with just enough of
the background to give you a sense of the
Congratulations to Tony, who wins a copy
of Raptor: a Journey Through Birds by James
Macdonald Lockhart. Steve Young

August photo

challenge winner

Common Kestrel

AFTER the popularity of last
month’s Common Buzzard
challenge, I’m staying with the
raptor theme and choosing
Common Kestrel as the target
species for October.
Although not as common as
it once was – I remember the
days of counting how many
you saw on a long twitch – it is
still regular enough to provide
a relatively easy challenge for
your lenses.
Because of its hovering
hunting technique, underwing
shots are by far the easiest
to take, so if one of these
is submitted make sure the
exposure is spot on as there
will be lots of competition.
A fast shutter speed will be
needed for those types of shot,
unless you fancy trying for a

‘motion-blur’ image, with just the
head and body sharp and the
wings a whirr of action.
Good luck with whatever type of
shot you take and submit. I look
forward to seeing the entries, and
this month’s winner will receive
a copy of Wild Kingdom: Bringing
Back Britain’s Wildlife by Stephen
Moss. Steve Young

Terms and conditions
To enter, please email your
best candidates to editorial@
The competition is
open to anyone and
you may submit as
many photos on
the chosen theme
as you wish. The
closing date is 25
October 2017.

open to anyone and
you may submit as


Above: a classic shot of a male Common Kestrel as it hovers looking
for prey; make sure to expose for the bird and not the sky.
Below: Common Kestrel will also hunt from perches, dropping quickly
down to the ground.

Common Kestrel

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