Among the thrills of citizen science is the possibility of discovering a new species or, better yet, the
‘rediscovery’ of a species thought to be extinct. However, an increasingly likely prospect is that genetic
technology will allow scientists to make the notion of extinction ... well ... extinct, at least for some
species. As resurrecting versions of extinct species becomes increasingly feasible, conservation genetics
researcher Helen Taylor questions whether ‘de-extinction’ can ever become a useful conservation tool.
magine you’re walking through the Tasmanian bush. You
hear something snuffling in the undergrowth. You pause as
a creature emerges. It’s sleek and dog-like, with pointed ears
twitching and alert, but it also has a long straight tail and tiger-
esque stripes on its back. It eyes you inquisitively, head cocked,
gives an exceptionally wide-mouthed yawn, and trots back into
the forest, disappearing between the gum trees. You’ve just
encountered a thylacine – an animal declared extinct in 1936.
This may seem an unlikely meeting, but a world repopulated
by thylacines, moa, mammoths and other long-lost creatures is
the vision of many researchers and philanthropists behind the
de-extinction movement. It’s an exciting idea that has captured
people’s imaginations, but is it feasible? If so, is it really the
futuristic conservation strategy its supporters claim we need?
We’re closer than you think
In 2009, a mountain goat kid was born via caesarean section at
a captive-breeding facility in Spain. It struggled to breathe and
died from a lung defect within ten minutes of being delivered –
sad, but not unusual in a breeding program. This was no ordinary
mountain goat; the kid was a clone of the last known Pyrenean
ibex, or bucardo – a subspecies of Spanish ibex that went extinct
nine years earlier. Scientists used skin cells taken from Celia, the
last known living bucardo, to grow clonal embryos, which they
implanted into 57 Spanish ibex and Spanish ibex goat hybrid
surrogate mothers. Only one of the resulting seven pregnancies
went to term, culminating in the tragically short life of the only
animal to be brought back from extinction so far.
The Franco-Spanish team behind bringing back the bucardo
are not the only researchers striving towards de-extinction. At the
University of New South Wales, Professor Mike Archer’s Project
Lazarus team has produced very early stage embryos of the
gastric-brooding frog, a remarkable amphibian that could turn its
stomach into a womb until the species went extinct in 1983.
In America, de-extinction devotee Professor George Church
believes he is two years away from creating an elephant embryo
that contains woolly mammoth DNA. The bucardo did not
survive, the frog embryos die a few days into development, and
an Asian elephant with a few mammoth genes is definitely not a
mammoth, but these are still significant steps towards reviving
species that we once thought were gone for good.
No facsimile
Even if de-extinction projects prove successful, they won’t create
exact copies of the species we have lost. Current pathways to
de-extinction introduce genetic information from species closely
related to the target animal into the resurrected species. The end
result looks similar, but it’s not an exact genetic copy.
The first option is to try to get back to your de-extinction target
by ‘back breeding’ existing species, aiming to create an animal that
looks like the extinct species by choosing individuals with similar
characteristics. Alternatively, you could take the route trialled with
the bucardo and the gastric-brooding frog. Take a cell from a closely
related species, clear out its nuclear DNA, fill it with DNA from
the extinct species, grow an embryo in a test tube and implant it
in the womb/egg of the closely related species. The new DNA can
come from two sources: ancient, fragmented DNA from permafrost
or museum specimens, with the gaps in the genetic code filled
in with DNA from a closely related species, or from a fully intact
genome sequenced from some kind of tissue sample preserved
before the species went extinct. Even when you don’t need to fill
in gaps in the genomes, the cell from the closely related species
Image: Joseph Wolf
40 | Wildlife Australia | SPRING 2017