2017-10-01 Sanctuary Asia

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Bowhead whales are one of the longest-living mammals on Earth, and also one of the heaviest,
second only to the blue whale.

Text By Purva Variyar

More at http://www.sanctuaryasia.com | Natural History

Preformationists believed that a mini-human
resided in the head of a sperm, and this
developed into future progeny. A sketch (left) as
drawn by Nicolas Hartsoekar in 1695.

The astounding diversity of life forms in the world
reveals something new each day. And more often than not,
every other new discovery involves an amphibian! Scientist
Ramesh Aggarwal and his team at the Center for Cellular
and Molecular Biology (CCMB) in Hyderabad, India, have
discovered a new species of purple frog in the Western
Ghats, Nasikabatrachus bhupathi or the Bhupathy’s purple
frog, named after the scientist, Dr. Subramaniam Bhupathy.
This pig-faced beauty (not an oxymoron!) resembles and
is closely related to Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis, a
purple frog also known as the pig-nosed frog, discovered
in the Western Ghats in 2003. The two species differ in
anatomy and calls. “We confi rmed it was a different species
when we bar-coded its DNA, which was genetically very
different from the purple frog,” Aggarwal told The Hindu.
These frogs are known to spend their entire adult lives
underground in moist soil, surfacing only for a couple
of weeks every monsoon to mate! More interestingly,
the tadpoles of the Bhupathy’s purple frog have
specially-adapted mouths with tiny teeth that help them
feed like suckerfi sh on algae, on the rocks behind waterfalls
to which they latch on. The existence of Nasikabatrachus
also strengthens the argument that the Indian landmass was
once linked to Madagascar and Seychelles as the closest
relatives of this frog species inhabit Seychelles!

The Mini-human Theory Pig-nosed Cousin Discovered

Did You Know?

When human imagination takes fl ight, imagined reality
becomes the order of the day. What better example to
illustrate this than the misplaced theory of preformation or the
mini-human-in-sperm theory! Laid down and fi ercely accepted
as a rational explanation for how one human being gives rise to
another in the 17th and 18th centuries, preformationism explained
that sperm in a male carried a preformed, mini, shrunken
human or the ‘homunculus’, which when transferred into the
female’s womb through the act of
coitus slowly started to infl ate and
enlarge into a normal-sized human
baby. So, basically, it dismissed the
idea of any information or coded
instructions being passed on from
the parents to the fetus, in other words

  • the essence of heredity, and instead
    claimed that it was simply miniaturisation
    that was the principle behind reproduction. By
    this logic, every homunculus would in turn have its
    own mini-human encased inside it, and then another one
    inside it and so on...all the way to the fi rst man. Imagine
    Russian dolls and you will get the picture, only here the
    number of dolls would be infi nite! So entrenched was this
    idea among the people at the time that Nicolas Hartsoekar,
    a scientist, claimed to have seen a mini-human, compactly
    packaged in a fetal position within the head of a sperm, through
    a microscope! Oh ‘man’!




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