On your travels through the world of wheels
you will come across two types of lips: stepped
and reverse lips. Stepped lips are pretty self-
explanatory in that they have a step in them;
this means that the wheel centres will be
smaller than the wheel’s outer diameter as the
step makes the outer portion of the lips larger
than the inner portion. Stepped-up wheels take
this to another level as you they allow take
a smaller wheel and use a much larger lip to
create a larger diameter wheel, and 2” is not
unusual, though you will also need new barrels
that match the size of your lips. On wheels with
a reverse lip, the barrel is essentially reversed,
placing the wheel’s step on the inside with
the flat portion now on the outside, hence the
name. With a reverse lip the wheel centres will
be larger, as they are the same diameter as the
entire lip, and on very wide, low offset wheels a
big reverse lip tends to look more dramatic. The
difference between the two is purely aesthetic
and where wheel manufacturers offer a choice,
it comes down to what look you prefer.
Words: Elizabeth de Latour Photos: BM Autosport, BMW, Chris Presley, Andy Starkey, Sunny Ryait, Jape Tiitinen, Patrik Karlsson
In the second part of our wheel guide we look at everything from
different finishes and materials to measuring offset.
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