Performance BMW — September 2017

(Ann) #1


We look at spacers, adapters, spigot rings and
mounting hardware

We will quickly explain these, purely because not everyone reading this
will be a wheel expert and we’ve all go to start somewhere. They are
pretty self-explanatory; if you tuck, it means your wheels sit in from your
wheel arch lips; fl ush means your wheel faces are exactly in-line with your
arches while poke means your wheels extend past your wheel arches.
Be careful when it comes to poke as you can get in trouble with the law;
there are lots of rules but as long as your wheels do not extend further
than 30mm beyond your arch lips, you should be fi ne.

You might occasionally see a wheel with twin valves and be
wondering what that’s all about, and there are two explanations you
will encounter. The fi rst is that they allow air to be purged from the
tyre while it is simultanously fi lled with nitrogen. The second is that
they allow the wheel to be infl ated while pressure is checked via the
second valve for quicker and more accurate infl ation.

Concave wheels follow the same rules as deep
dish wheels do when it comes to visual drama:
the wider the wheel and the lower the offset,
the more concave the spokes will be. While
concave wheels won’t suit every car, on the right
car they can look spectacular and, while you’re
pretty limited if you want deep dish wheels
on a budget, when to comes to concave there
are a lot of affordable wheels on the market.
BM Autosport, for example, which has been
dealing with wheels for BMWs for over 15 years,
carries a huge range of wheels for just about
every BMW model with plenty of sexy concave
designs to choose from. Of course, if you want
to push the boat out, you can opt for a multi-
piece concave wheel and that’s when the prices
start going up at a rate of knots, but you can
get some fantastic looking wheels with a variety
of different styles and designs such as deep
concave with a step lip. You pays your money,
you takes your choice.

PBMW217.tech_guide.ed3.indd 82 07/08/2017 08:45

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