Performance BMW — September 2017

(Ann) #1

New Valvetronic motor
has been fi tted

Air con has
been re-gassed
and now works

iDrive took
20 mins to

Blocked rubber
pipe the cause
of wet carpet

Diagnostic equipment
employed to help track
down the engine fault

plush, deep pile black ones. Much better. I also
noticed recently that the steering wheel roundel
has been pressed in and is now concave, rather
than convex as it should be. Someone must
have dented it and, while you can’t replace it
as it has arms that latch around the back of the
airbag, you can buy very thin roundels on eBay
in the right size that you can stick over the top,
so that’s the plan.
There were, however, a few more serious
problems that needed urgent attention, and for
these I headed over to BMSport in Bexleyheath,
which has looked after all my BMWs for years.
I mentioned last time that the driver’s side rear
passenger footwell carpet was soaking wet,
which was down to a blocked drain hole in the
engine bay. Water collects in a compartment by
the fi rewall, where the brake master cylinder
is located, and, as it’s got nowhere to go, once
it reaches a certain level it starts to leak out

was low on gas. I think this might actually be
the fi rst time I’ve bought a car where the air
con has just needed a re-gas to get it working
again; that’s what sellers always say it needs,
but in my experience it’s always ended up
being condensers and compressors that I’ve
had to cough up to replace. Initially, after the
re-gas, the air con still didn’t seem as cold as
it could have been, but it seems like the more
I’ve been using it (and I always have the air con
on, all year-round) the better it’s become and,
in conjunction with using the iDrive to set the
centre vent to its coldest setting, the cabin gets
pretty frosty pretty quickly now.
My iDrive refusing to work with sat nav DVDs
was diagnosed as most likely a faulty DVD drive
and BMSport directed me to a guy on eBay
that they use for all their iDrive repairs. After
getting in touch he told me he could replace the
drive for £150 or, for £400, he could sort the
DVD drive and rebuild the mainboard with new
components. I decided to go for the latter option
because the iDrive unit can fail completely
and with mine now being 11 years old it
seemed silly not to in the name of preventative
maintenance. Removing the whole unit took
me about 20 minutes as I found an excellent
video on YouTube specifi c to the 6 Series with
all the instructions I needed; it probably took
me as long to fi nd a box big enough for it to fi t
and pack it up securely to send it away. The
turnaround was a few days and it came back
good as new so that was money well spent.
Finally, we come to the biggest problem
and that was the engine almost cutting out
at random moments. It was really awful and
pretty scary as you never knew when it would
happen and leave you completely without
any throttle response. The guys at BMSport
started off with the most likely cause, that
being a faulty Valvetronic motor and as these
do fail, I was happy to get a new one fi tted as
preventative measure. Unfortunately it didn’t
solve the problem so the guys got back under
the bonnet to work out what the problem was;
after eliminating the usual suspects they began
searching for other possible causes and that’s
when the discovered a massive hole in one the
breather hoses. They were amazed it hadn’t
thrown up any warning lights on the dash as it
was causing the engine a lot of problems, but
somehow the N52 had managed to soldier on
regardless. With a new breather hose fi tted the
problem has completely disappeared and the
630i feels very healthy indeed.
With a new gearbox sump having recently
been fi tted before I’d bought the car, the only
boring maintenance thing left for me to do is
to get a new water pump fi tted as they are a
notorious N52 weak spot and do fail, but once
that’s done we can get onto the fun stuff and I
can’t wait.

020 8304 9797

where the master cylinder is mounted and runs
down the driver’s footwell and collects in the
rear passenger footwell. Not only do you get a
soggy footwell, the water can also damage the
master cylinder, so it’s really not great. Jags
opened up the driver’s side compartment and,
while it was dry, there was a visible tide mark
showing us that water had previously been in
there and when he pulled out the small rubber
pipe that sits within the drain hole itself it
was completely blocked with muck and gunk.
Once this had been thoroughly cleaned out
and replaced Jags poured some water into the
compartment and torrent streamed out of the
bottom of the car. Success!
Whilst at BMSport I also got the guys to
re-gas the 630i’s air con. It hadn’t been doing
a very good job of providing any actual cooling
and, sure enough, when they plugged the car
into their machine it informed us that the system

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