Truckin’ — Volume 43 Issue 11 2017

(Amelia) #1

Busted Knuckles

  • VOLUME 43, NO. 11, [26] SEPTEMBER 7, 2017 -

Built to Specification




or 26-year-old Zack Looney of Lufkin, Texas, trucks
became second nature to him. He grew up around
general-repair shops and was a quick learner, always
able to help out. His father Steven was constantly

working on his truck with a young Zack by his side learning as

he went. At 16, Zack met a guy in town around his own age who

owned a ’bagged truck, which was his first time ever seeing a

truck with adjustable suspension. The two became friends, and

his interest became fixed on the subculture.

Later that year, he was able to purchase a truck to get to and

from school and work. Naturally, he wanted to test out his new

passion by customizing and making it unique. Unfortunately,

the motor blew, and it was back to the drawing board. He found

an older C10 and started a new build. One day, Zack was at a

friend’s house, and somebody there was checking out his C10.

The owner had a stock ’97 Chevy Silverado. “I’ll trade you!” Zack

joked. Without hesitation, the Silverado owner agreed.

Once the trade was complete, Zack decided to do a full rebuild

on the Chevy. He used his knowledge and experience to com-

plete a body drop and change the entire back half. Everything

visible was shaved smooth, including the back wall. After be-

ing in primer for a while, he and his cousin Landon coated the

Silverado in Olympic White. Diboll Custom Upholstery helped

put together the red interior.

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