8 Days - December 07, 2017

(singke) #1

stars & cars



a flat instead. I’m not a Singapore
PR, which means I’d have to pay a
lot of taxes, so that can wait. There
were also people who commented
online that I’m just a rich kid, and
that I must earn a lot as an actor to
afford this. It was bittersweet as I felt
that I received more criticism than
congratulatory messages after buying
the car (laughs).
Do you think your car is an
extension of your personality?
Definitely. It’s modern and trendy,
and reflects who I am, as I like
fashionable and stylish things.
Does your car have a
Oh yes, mine is Da Bai (literally
translates into ‘big white’); Felicia’s
Volkswagen Beetle is Xiao Bai
(‘small white’). It’s really small and
cute. I’ve always wanted a white
car as I’m a Christian and white
symbolises holiness. White cars
also look sleeker.
A white car also gets dirty
very easily. How often do you
wash it?
When I first bought it, I intended
to wash the car myself. But I never
ended up doing it (laughs). I send it
to a cleaning lady, who cleans and
waxes my car. She’s from China
and she’s super meticulous. I’d
offer her tips on top of

the car wash fees but she wouldn’t
take it. So now, I give her tea leaves
that my dad brings from China as
a gift. In fact, I just sent my car to
her for a car wash last night before
this photoshoot but it rained this
morning just before I got here. What
a pity!
Have you and Da Bai ever been
victims of road rage?
Not really. I’m very easily flustered
and impatient on the road, though.
Sometimes, I get annoyed when
people drive too slowly. If I lose my
way, I’d start to panic. A few times,
when I realised I was going in the
wrong direction, I stepped on the
brakes as I didn’t know
what to do. I got honked

at by other drivers and Felicia
calmed me down and told me not to
be nervous.
Any romantic car dates yet? It’s
all the rage among
K-pop stars.
We have takeaway
dinners in the car
from time to time.
I like it because
it feels very private and cosy, yet
very comfortable. I’m fine with
people eating or drinking in my car
as long as they don’t dirty it. Once,
Felicia spilled a cup of coffee and
it stained my car seat. I was quite
angry initially but cooled down
afterwards as I was more worried
about whether she was scalded
by the hot drink. We wiped the car
down and aired it out to get rid
of the coffee smell. These days, I
make sure that both of us put our
drinks in the cup holders before I
drive off! (Guffaws)
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