8 Days - December 07, 2017

(singke) #1

8 DAYS | 117
Nov 23 – Dec 22
The Sagittarian is
complicated, combining
instinct with spirit. The
sign’s great strength is its
optimism and enthusiasm, its
weakness is impracticality. If the Sagittarian’s
faith is strong enough, the lack of material
success will prove to be no problem.
(21 mar -- 20 apr.)
Any time from Monday
to Wednesday finds
you proclaiming your heart's desire.
A sweet smile wins the day, and
could even help you dodge a legal
(21 apr. -- 21 may)
The future has to be
bright. You will soon be
free, leaving behind the burdens of
responsibility, and waving goodbye to
a battle with authority. Don't take on
too much too soon.
(22 may -- 21 june)
Mercury, your brilliant
planetary ruler, is
doing its best. You will have the best
ideas. Play your cards right, and
success will be served up easily.
If it’s your birthday (For week starting Dec 4)
If you have deep desires and intense feelings this
week then chances are they're going to keep coming
back all year. One of the features of the next 12 months
will be your tendency to examine your relationships to
get a better fix on why you're attracted to certain types
of people.
(22 june -- 23 july)
You will have to wait
a few days for social
satisfaction. Your new emotional
cycle is increasingly secretive, so you
will be keeping your cards very close
to your chest.
(24 july -- 23 aug.)
You've been getting
your slice of the action,
and now you are ready to reap your
rewards. From Thursday onwards, life
will slow down, so reflect and weigh
up the odds.
(24 aug. -- 23 sept.)
You're going through
a mildly bumpy patch,
though it’s nothing you can't handle.
The final outcome in a romantic adven-
ture will be very much to your liking.
(24 sept. -- 23 oct.)
Your romantic stars are
mixed. Tuesday and
Wednesday are excellent days for
declaring your love, but you will have
to put up with partners who want it
their own way.
(24 oct. -- 22 nov.)
One phase of life is
over, another is waiting
to begin, while partners and lovers
have it all their own way. An increase
in your earnings is a definite
(23 nov. -- 22 dec.)
The more time you
spend on dull but
essential chores, the better off you
will be when your dreams come true.
In love, go for broke, insisting that a
partner accepts your desires.
(23 dec. -- 20 jan.)
It's preferable to
arrange your own
schedule so that you get the right
amount of exercise, rest and healthy
food. Take a long, hard look at your
(21 jan. -- 19 feb.)
You love others, but
now you want a bit of
the attention yourself. Your guiding
principle in relationships is “Do as I
say”! But that's not the best recipe
for harmony.
(20 feb. -- 20 mar.)
A large cheque, or
some other significant
saving, might be on the way.
Wednesday looks like your most
profitable day, but any good fortune
has nothing to do with luck. It’s
all to do with making the most of
opportunities while others waste
their time.

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