8 Days - December 07, 2017

(singke) #1

CH 8 CH CH 5

8 DAYS | 139

she missed him.
Yuzhen hopes Haixiu
will forgive Yiyuan for his
sake, as Yiyuan’s health is
precarious and she can’t
handle any more setbacks.
It’ll be difficult for her to
recover if she collapses
Grateful Yuzhen saved
both her life and her
mother’s, Haixiu agrees to
his request, and won’t bring
up the soy sauce matter
again. Yiyuan overhears their
exchange and sobs.
Xiuzi tells Yuzhen that
after careful reconsideration,
she has decided to call
off his wedding. Infuriated,
he insists he has already
agreed to marry Yiyuan and
there is no turning back.
Eavesdropping, Ailan gives
Yiyuan the heads-up.
Yiyuan visits Xiuzi and
asks her to choose a
wedding date. She assures
the latter that she will take
care of all the expenses.
Xiuzi reveals that she had
heard what Yiyuan told her
mother and deems her a
terrible person. Yiyuan tries
to explain but to no avail.
However, she insists on
marrying Yuzhen even if Xiuzi
Wancai brings his
manager home. He explains
that the manager had been
on a business trip to China
and thus did not answer
his calls. Xiuzi exposes
the man’s intent to cheat
Wancai, and the man runs
Yuzhen tells Xiuzi he will
not call off the wedding.
He assures her that he
will come back to visit her
Xiuzi wants Haocai to
quit his job at Yiyuan’s
restaurant. He refuses. He
is bent on getting a franchise
The chairman of Yunjing’s
record company wants
to meet Wancai. Xiuzi
complains that Yunjing
should have engaged Wancai

as her company’s singer
Taizhen announces he
is going to be Wancai’s
manager. He and Wancai
set off happily for the record

7pm Episodes 83 & 84
To his delight, Wancai is
offered a singing contract.
Meina arrives at
Yuncan’s house to take
Tongbai home. Yuncan asks
her and Tongbai to stay the
Yiyuan’s mother gets
hold of evidence of Yiyuan
stealing the soy sauce and
publicises it to the media.
Incensed by the newspaper
reports, Yiyuan confronts
Haixiu for breaking her
promise to Yuzhen. Haixiu
insists she doesn’t know
how the media got the
Yuzhen wants Yiyuan to
tell the truth to the public.
She refuses, as doing so
would ruin her future.
Yiyuan’s mother is
pleased with the backlash.
She tells Zhiyuan to get
ready to take over One’s.
He suspects his mother
was the one who leaked the
news to the reporters; she
admits as much.

Sad her mother would
betray her, Yiyuan decides
she no longer regards her
and Zhiyuan as family.
Haocai buys a wristband
meant for dementia patients
and gives it to Zhufeng, who
reacts negatively.
Yiyuan gets on her knees
to beg Haixiu to tell the
reporters that she sold the
soy sauce recipe to One’s.
Haixiu refuses to lie. Yiyuan
insists she will continue to
kneel until Haixiu gives in.
Shanying and the children
object to Haixiu relenting.
Shanying declares lying will
cause more people to get
Yuncan hopes Meina and
Tongbai will move into his
house. Meina declines.
Dissatisfied with Wancai’s
fees, Xiuzi tells him not to
sign the singing contract.
Yuzhen stops Haixiu from
helping Yiyuan lie to the
reporters. He tells Yiyuan
to choose between him and
the lie. Exasperated, she
declares nothing is more
important to her than One’s,
not even her family and lover.
Zhiyuan tells the
reporters that it was he who
stole the soy sauce recipe.
Yiyuan’s mother
lambastes Yiyuan for making
Zhiyuan a scapegoat for her

Zhiyuan tells Yuzhen he
will take responsibility for the
soy sauce scandal. In turn,
he hopes Yuzhen will protect
Shimei watches the
news on TV and is stunned
that Zhiyuan is the son of
the chairman of One’s. She
becomes suspicious of his
motives for befriending her.
Yiyuan’s father is
infuriated about the whole
scandal. His wife discloses
that Yiyuan is the culprit and
Zhiyuan is taking the rap for

7pm Episodes 85 & 86
Yiyuan’s father summons
her back to the house.
She reasons that she did
everything for One’s, and
since Zhiyuan is not a staff of
One’s, his confession would
not impact the company as
much as if she admits her
Yiyuan’s father is
disappointed in her.
He demands she take
responsibility for her deeds.
Haixiu is asked to meet
Yiyuan’s father. She arrives
at the office building, where
she reads a dismissal notice
regarding Yiyuan. Yiyuan’s
father orders Yiyuan to

The best things in life are free: Zhufeng’s 80th birthday is a happy occasion for everyone.
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